Three Secrets to Improving your Relationships with Extended DISC

Number One: Don't Take it Personally

Extended DISC can help you understand your partner's natural behavioural style, so you don't take things too personally. One profoundly simple benefit of DISC is the understanding it builds between you and your partner. For example, if you become frustrated when your partner wants an overall picture rather than the small details. Try to recall the differences between your behavioural styles, you might be a 'C Style', and your partner a 'D Style.' By recognising, it's your partner's natural way of communicating and remembering they are not deliberately winding you up. You can then adjust your style accordingly, and vice versa. 


Number Two: Communication is Key

Open and honest communication is vital when it comes to relationships, whether they are personal or work-related. Your communication abilities affect how you interact with others, how you approach and resolve conflict and the level of trust between you and your partner. Without a full understanding of your own behavioural style and the style of your partner, communication may cause frustration, conflict, and misunderstanding in your relationship. If left unchecked, ineffective may develop into destructive communication habits. Therefore, couples need to cultivate excellent communication habits to help the relationship grow and thrive.

Here are some excellent tips to remember when communicating with the other DISC styles:

  • D Styles, be aware of your impact on your partner. Don't dominate the conversation, listen more to your partner and be open to small talk. Be careful not to appear too blunt and impolite and remember to focus more on the feelings and emotions of your partner. Most of all, slow down! Enjoy the journey, it's not a race. 
  • I Styles, remember to talk less and listen more carefully to what your partner has to say. Try not to react too emotionally and slow down as your partner may need time to think things over. Keep in mind that conversation is two way, make time for your partner to respond. 
  • S Styles, make room for spontaneity! Don't be afraid to be more impulsive and go with the flow. Be open about change and new ideas. Speak out and describe how you are feeling. Remember to look at the positives as well as the negatives. 
  • C Styles, realise your partner may approach things differently. Remember not to appear cold, impolite and distant. Instead, speak more openly about people and don't be afraid to voice your emotions. Try to limit discussions about details, facts and figures, instead focus on being more expressive and chatty. 


Number Three: Couples DISC Assessment

Use the Extended DISC® Couples Assessment as a guide to identify your DISC styles and help create a practical and straightforward approach to your next steps as a couple. Effective communication takes practice, awareness, and skills. Utilise the Extended DISC® Couples Assessment to build awareness of you and your partner's behavioural styles. Then create a list of action-oriented behaviours to move your relationship forward.

Extended DISC® Couples Assessment provides a practical and transparent approach to demonstrate the dynamics of a couple, the strengths, development areas, and how to improve a couple's communication. Including: 

  • Understanding how your natural styles are similar and different
  • Understanding your style as a couple
  • How to better utilise your individual strengths
  • What motivates each of you
  • How you tend to make decisions
  • How to create action-oriented steps to improve your relationship

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