How often do we see advertisements for job vacancies that seek people that are good at everything? The advertiser may not have identified the exact type of person with the associated skill set that they need.
Human Resource Consultants are well aware that there are three steps in the recruitment process. Each level requires careful planning.
- Pre-selection: this involves defining the job requirements. Identifying the type of person sought and skillset required, as well as determining the best method of recruiting the individual.
- Selection: this involves reviewing the applicants, conducting interviews and making the final decision.
- Post-Selection: this requires familiarisation with the individual recruited and providing excellent on-boarding.
Using Workplace Assessments in the Selection Phase
Extended DISC Assessments and FinxS Cognitive Ability Assessments are ideal for use in the Selection and Post Selection stages. During the Selection process, the Extended DISC, Cognitive Ability Assessment and Work Pair Assessment tools have proved invaluable. A combination of these tools helps Recruiters and HR Managers to narrow down the final candidates and predict their success in the role.
Cognitive Ability Assessments
Cognitive Ability tests help to reduce recruitment costs and place candidates in the right roles using non-bias assessment technology. Select from nine different cognitive ability tests, each measuring a unique skillset. Each test can be administered alone or in combination with any other tests. The Reasoning Analysis tool consists of nine tests, although we recommend only using 2-3 of the tests most relevant to the role. Tests include Abstract Logical reasoning, Understanding Logical Processes, Spatial Reasoning, Understanding Social Context, Numerical Reasoning, Mathematic Logical Reasoning, Word Association, Visual Memory and Verbal Reasoning. Cognitive Ability tests are some of the strongest predictors of success in any position, and we highly recommend their use during the selection phase.
Extended DISC Assessments
As most of our readers familiar with the Behavioural Assessment, there is no need to detail the reasons why it is so popular. The importance of obtaining a Behavioural Assessment for all candidates is, however, sometimes overlooked because employers do not always understand the importance of not selecting candidates on "face value".
Gut feeling alone is not enough to ensure you employ the most suitable candidate for the role you need to fill. Extended DISC Assessments provide you with a clear understanding of an individual's natural behavioural style and the types of tasks and activities they will feel comfortable undertaking. This information is hugely valuable when evaluating a candidate's fit for a job role.
Understanding the candidate's natural behavioural style in such areas as decision making, communication style, teamwork, sources of motivation and professional satisfaction are essential to ensure the candidate becomes a valuable long-term member of the team.
Extended DISC Assessments help answer some of the essential questions during the Selection stage.
- How is the candidate likely to behave in the job?
- How does the candidate communicate?
- What are the candidate's motivators?
- What is the candidate likely to avoid?
- Who is the ideal manager for this candidate?
- Do they have the reasoning capacity relative to the job requirements?
Using Workplace Assessments in the Post-Selection Phase
In the post-selection process, the Extended DISC Team Assessment, Open 360, and Work Pair Assessment tools are all proving to be valuable resources for Human Resource Consultants.
During the Post-Selection stage, The Extended DISC Team Assessment tool provides an opportunity to understand how your new candidate will fit into the team. Identify if the candidate fills any gaps in the team and highlight any potential areas of conflict or tension among new and existing team members.
We recommend the use of the Work Pair Assessment tool where the recruit will be working closely with an existing staff member, and it is necessary to identify the strengths and possible weaknesses of the working style of the two individuals.
One of the many added-value options of Extended DISC is the ability to re-order results against reports for no additional cost. HR Managers and Consultants can use the person's DISC results to provide on-boarding support and ongoing professional development using the wide range of Extended DISC Assessments.
Get started with Workplace Assessments