Employee Engagement Assessments

Enhance employee engagement, motivation and productivity with DISC Assessments and 360 feedback for employee engagement. 

What is Employee Engagement?

Retention and employee engagement are critical issues for businesses and leaders. Highly engaged employees are much more likely to exceed performance expectations, and their employers benefit from increased revenue growth and reduced churn.

Employee engagement embodies the emotional commitment an employee has to their organisation. Employees who are engaged in the workplace have a high level of enthusiasm, motivation and passion towards their role. 

Engaged employees are motivated to put in extra effort for their organisation and are eager to make a difference. Top employees care about their work and positively influence the performance of the company. They are generally more energised by their environment, maintain positive mental health and contribute to innovation efforts.  

Some of the top drivers of employee engagement in New Zealand are confidence in senior leadership, recognition of work, and opportunity for training and development. Employee engagement assessments are one of the most effective HR tools to measure and improve employee engagement.

Why is employee engagement important?

Retention and engagement are key issues for businesses and leaders. With only 14% of people in New Zealand engaged in their jobs, company culture survey's are vital to ensure employee engagement and satisfaction.

Organisations with an engaged workforce outperform their competitors. Engagement strategies reduce staff turnover, help retain top talent, increase productivity rates, and improve workplace culture. Importantly, staff are happier at work and in their personal lives.

Employee engagement assessment

The most effective way to obtain feedback and accurately measure employee engagement is by using an employee engagement survey assessment. Feedback from the survey can demonstrate what drives employee engagement in your organisation.

Use surveys to collate open-ended questions to delve deeper into employee feelings. Uncover why employees might be distracted and disengaged at work and gain qualitative insight and detail into the reason behind employee engagement scores. Analyse open-ended questions to identify key themes and emerging issues within the workplace to respond appropriately.

Boost Employee Engagement

Transform the employee experience from recruitment and on-boarding through to talent development. Enhance employee engagement and productivity with an insights-driven approach.

Employee productivity assessment

Many organisations use DISC profile assessments, but many do not realise what a valuable resource they can be when it comes to engaging a workforce. Behavioural assessments provide unparalleled insights to help organisations better understand and connect more effectively with their workforce, raising engagement and productivity.

Using DISC, leaders can discover motivators to put in place in an employee's environment to help increase their level of motivation and productivity. Leaders learn how to delegate tasks in the most efficient way possible and overcome the time wasted with miscommunication.

Using an Extended DISC® assessment can help uncover valuable insights about an individual. DISC describes why and how people behave the way they do and how to increase their productivity levels.

Engagement and productivity tools

Engagement and productivity levels can vary widely across an organisation within different teams, departments, and locations. Surveys help identify the level of employee engagement organisation-wide as well as identify at-risk employee populations. Surveys reveal areas in which employees are satisfied or where they need extra support and attention. Use these trends to make informed development decisions to improve productivity and retain staff.

Start using assessments today

Experience an increase in your employee engagement

Employee engagement surveys

Engaged staff are great advocates for your business. They go beyond what is required to produce an extraordinary work ethic. FinxS® Employee Engagement Surveys allow organisations to understand how improvements will enhance employee engagement.

Utilise Employee Engagement Surveys to understand the extent to which employees are dedicated to and feel passionate about their role and organisation. Frame coaching sessions with insights from open feedback and equip managers with data and action plans to improve team performance. As real-time data is collected, focus on key drivers that will make the most significant impact on engagement and productivity. 

Employee engagement assessments highlight areas of importance to the engagement levels of an organisation's workforce. Organisations can recognise high performing productive teams or where development is needed to increase engagement. Bring these insights to the surface with workplace surveys to respond quickly and effectively. Track and compare data and performance over time to identify where development is happening, and extra support is needed.

Employee Engagement Survey Features

  • Team Segmentation - Set up and manage respondent groups based on team, organisational division, or location.
  • Reporting – Compare engagement and satisfaction levels across teams and departments to identify attrition issues.
  • Automation - Invitation, reminder, and thank you emails sent automatically to respondents.
  • Customisation – Create and design your unique questionnaire.
  • Off the shelf questionnaires also available
  • Unlimited response groups and respondents 
  • An unlimited number of questions and question groups.
  • White labelling - add your colours and logos to make it feel like your own software.

How do you build employee engagement?

Organisations should create a step by step approach to building an employee engagement strategy. One of the most common hr strategies to raise levels of employee engagement is by using an assessment. Start with the collection of data using an employee engagement assessment to inform the right strategy and collaborate with teams to implement and reinforce the plan.

  • Step One Use an employee engagement survey to collect data and identify barriers to engagement and areas that are creating positive change.
  • Step Two Leaders and managers work with employees to identify areas that are working and opportunities for further change.
  • Step Three create an actionable development plan to build employee engagement. Define achievable goals and communicate them to the organisation.
  • Step Four implement strategies, whether this is further training, more employee support or fostering better connections.
  • Step Five monitor progress with continual engagement surveys to identify whether the strategies have a positive effect on employee engagement. Ensure you have open channels to receive feedback from employees.

How can you increase employee productivity?

Businesses rely on teams to tackle projects in many different business areas. Misunderstanding, miscommunication, and personality clashes decrease team productivity levels. These issues force leaders to spend time mitigating and resolving conflict. Instead of being focused on their current project, these issues distract teams and waste time.

One of the most effective strategies to facilitate teamwork is to promote an understanding among the members of your team. DISC assessments provide objective data on each team members preferred behavioural style. Once team members are aware of their style and the style of others, they can learn to adjust their behaviours to others' DISC styles. As they gain knowledge of the DISC styles, the team will experience more productive and efficient interactions.

DISC assessments also help leaders assign project tasks based on the natural behavioural preference of their team members to enhance team productivity. Play to the inherent strengths of your team to improve project efficiency. Furthermore, generate an Extended DISC Team Analysis to gain information to motivate team members and identify potential barriers to productivity.

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