Logical Reasoning
Find the right talent with a logical reasoning test. Assess the cognitive ability of your candidates to identify top performers.
The Understanding Logical Processes Reasoning Test is one of the top predictors of a candidate's ability to understand cause and effect relationships. The Logical Reasoning test is one of the nine tests available in the FinxS Reasoning Assessment suite and is used in employment to identify applicants who excel in problem-solving, negotiating, predicting/influencing behaviour and researching. Logical thinkers understand the consequences of current information and how it may influence the future.
Recruitment and HR Managers who use advanced aptitude testing make more reliable hiring decisions, predict the performance of candidates, and understand how they approach problems and challenges.
Organisations with successful hiring practices prioritise the selection of employees with the right ability and behavioural traits for a role. These organisations understand that robust psychometric tests help select top talent, increase employee retention and productivity, and avoid high turnover.
When administered correctly, reasoning tests can significantly boost the probability of selecting the right candidate for a job.
Logical reasoning tests help to reduce recruitment costs and place candidates in the right roles using non-bias assessment technology. The FinxS Reasoning Test is used widely among recruiters during the pre-employment phase of the recruitment process to predict the job performance of candidates and quickly identify top performers in the talent pool. Skills such as logic, numerical reasoning or written comprehension are highly predictive of the performance of employees in specific roles in an organisation. Using cognitive ability tests during recruitment ensures you build a high performing workforce who are more motivated and satisfied in their job roles.
Make Secure Hiring Decisions
Robust reasoning tests help select top talent, increase employee retention and reduce turnover.
Assess Speed vs Quality
Ability tests do not measure learned skills, rather how candidate's draw logical conclusions, identify issues related to business processes and make decisions. Reasoning tests help analyse a candidates ability to think critically and their speed of making correct analyses and evaluations.
Language Options
Leverage an internationally recognised assessments with over 35 language options available. Promote equity with a tests that use gender inclusive language. Increase your credibility by using a forward thinking tool in accordance with the diverse needs of the workforce.
Online Assessments
Simply send candidates a link and a unique access code to complete an online assessment via our cloud-based platform. You will receive an automated and comprehensive report straight to your nominated inbox within minutes of the candidate completing the test.
Are you looking to hire a forward-thinking candidate? Logical reasoning tests identify candidates who can quickly find the root causes of a problem. They can narrow down possibilities and understand cause and effect relationships. Logical thinkers can comfortably review and analyse a large amount of detail. They have a great logical memory and can follow complicated logic to the end.
Logical Processing assessments provide reliable insights into a candidate's abilities, including:
Logical Reasoning tests allow HR Managers to benchmark performance. Quantify the attributes of your top performers and create a baseline for confident hiring decisions. Compare your new hires against the benchmark to identify how a respondent compares against a selected population. Use the benchmark to add a valuable comparison tool when hiring and provide additional meaning to the results.
Organisations who utilise logical reasoning assessments during the pre-employment process are 24% more likely to have a high performing and engaged workforce.
The FinxS Logical Reasoning Test provides insight and understanding of candidates' working speed and accuracy to use deductive logic to learn and think systematically. Someone who demonstrates strong logical reasoning might ask questions such as "What will be the consequences of a particular decision?" or "Which possibility is irrelevant to my decision?"
Candidates that score highly in a logical assessment can cope with large amounts of detail and can quickly arrive at the next logical step when solving a complex problem. High scoring candidates understand logical connections between tasks and can follow processes rapidly and accurately.
The Logical Reasoning section of the FinxS Reasoning Analysis test consists of 17 questions to examine a candidate's logical processing ability. Each question in the logical reasoning test includes facts and related questions. Candidates need to determine the correct answer based on the given information.
The test provides candidates with a practice question so they know what to expect and how to answer the logical reasoning test. Candidates who score highly answer the questions correctly in the given amount of time.
Practising sample questions is the most valuable thing a candidate can do to prepare for a logical reasoning test. To increase their logical reasoning skills, candidates need to reach a logically inevitable result from one or more statements or premises.
Candidates often struggle under the time pressure of the test. Once they become comfortable answering the questions, we recommend you simulate a practice situation where they time themselves. This will help candidates become comfortable while completing a set of questions under significant time constraints.
Predict job performance with Logical Reasoning Tests
In this test, candidates need to show their ability to draw logical conclusions based on a given set of information. Candidates complete the logical reasoning test under timed conditions. They have a maximum of twenty minutes to complete up to 17 questions. For example, "It is known that, X is of a different gender than Y. If Z is male, Y is female and vice versa; X is female. Based on the information, which gender is Z and which gender is Y?"
The majority of jobs require thoughtful, logical decisions, as well as the ability to justify them. The ability to avoid logical fallacies when making a decision is one of the critical contrasts between an excellent and average employee.
You, the recruiter, will receive a report automatically from our cloud-based platform within minutes of the candidate completing the questionnaire. The report details the candidate's answers and provides an analysis of the implication of the score on the candidate's working style. The report records how long the candidate took and how many questions they answered in the given time frame. The breakdown of scores allows for analysis of the candidate's speed and accuracy. Candidates may be able to process a great deal of information but cannot follow it to reach a logical conclusion.
The FinxS Reasoning analysis provides insight into a person's ability to actively and thoroughly collect, analyse, combine, evaluate and process information. The reports help organisations answer questions about their workforce including, 'Can your people think on their feet?', 'Are they good problem solvers?' and 'How quickly can they learn?'
There is a direct link between high cognitive ability and an increase in job performance. The tests provide an overall cognitive ability score and help to predict which work areas a person may experience difficulty. Assess your candidates to identify those with strong cognitive skills who are likely to be successful beyond their role.
Please do not use the FinxS Reasoning results as the sole criterion to make decisions about a candidate. Always consider many other factors, such as behavioural preferences, skills, attitudes, motivation, knowledge, education and experience that are not measured by this assessment.
Discover our Range of Reasoning Assessments