Social Reasoning

Find the right talent with a reasoning test. Assess the cognitive ability of your candidates and identify top performers.

What is a social context reasoning test?

A Social Context Reasoning test is one of the top predictors of a candidate's social aptitude. If you are hiring for a role that involves high levels of contact with a diverse range of people, administer the Social Context Reasoning test. The test measures a candidate's general sensitiveness to observe social phenomenon.

The analysis reflects a candidates ability to sense conflict situations and establish how interpersonal relationships influence a situation. Social Context Reasoning tests help predict how a person may respond to social situations in the workplace.

We've been supporting New Zealand business for over 21 years to enhance their recruitment processes. Use our advanced aptitude testing platform, FinxS to make more reliable hiring decisions, predict the performance and working style of candidates, and decrease employee turnover.

Organisations with successful hiring processes emphasise recruiting employees with the right ability and behavioural traits for a role. These organisations understand that robust psychometric tests help select top talent, increase employee retention and avoid high turnover.

When administered correctly, reasoning tests can significantly boost the probability of selecting the right candidate for a job.

Common uses of social context test

Recruiters commonly use the Social Context test during the employment process to predict the job performance of candidates. Anyone who comes into contact with lots of people in their daily work needs social intelligence. The Social Context reasoning test typically correlates with job performance in professions such as human resources, sales, and public relations. Strong social skills are critical for job roles that involve elements of managing human relations, selling, motivating and counselling.

Make Secure Hiring Decisions

Robust reasoning tests help select top talent, increase employee retention and reduce turnover.

Benefits of social context reasoning test


Assess Speed vs Accuracy

The speed-accuracy balance provides additional insight into a candidate's working style and predicts how they approach and overcome challenges. Abstract Reasoning tests analyse the accuracy and speed in which a candidate can interpret the relationship between a collection of objects.

Online Assessments

Abstract tests are easy to administer and are completed online via our cloud-based platform. Simply send candidates a link and an access code to complete the test. You will receive an automated report straight to your inbox within minutes of the test completion.

Benchmark Performance

Quantify the attributes of your top performers and create a baseline for confident hiring decisions. Employers can determine a group average and see which applicants stand out for certain skills. Use the benchmark to add a valuable comparison when hiring. 

Predict job performance with social context reasoning test

Are you looking for someone with an exceptional understanding of various social situations? Analyse your candidates' against a chosen comparison group. Compare results at an organisational, country, and global level to provide additional meaning to the results. Quantify the attributes of your high performing employees to hire candidates fit for the job role every time!

Research shows that reasoning tests are the most powerful predictor of job performance and have a 0.51 correlation to success in a job role. Whereas, interviews correlate 0.18, references 0.36, and years of experience only 0.18.

What does a social context reasoning test measure?

The Understanding Social Context test measures an individual's general sensitivity to observe different social phenomena. It reflects a person's ability to sense how interpersonal relationships influence a situation. Candidates with strong social skills respond quickly to changes in social contexts and have the ability to make others feel comfortable.

Someone who demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of social contexts might ask questions such as "Something is happening here. What might have led to this situation?" or "How should I adjust to this situation?"

Social Context reasoning assessments provide valuable insights into a candidate's abilities. A candidate who scores highly has the ability to:

  • Read between the lines
  • Anticipate people's reactions

These abilities are critical for role in Human Resources, Leadership, and Counsellors.

What to expect during a social context reasoning test?

During the Social Context Reasoning section of the test, candidates see twenty series of four images in random order. The candidates need to rearrange the pictures so that they demonstrate a coherent story. Remember candidates should not spend too long determining the correct sequence on a specific question or skip questions as this can damage their overall score. We strongly recommend they take the time to double-check their answers, especially on the more complicated questions.

How to prepare for a social context reasoning test?

Socialising is a complex combination of unwritten rules and abilities that take time to learn and improve. Candidates that are not confident in their social skills, can prepare by talking to others and analysing different social conventions. Remember, tests are designed so that only a few people can complete them within the time frame. Working quickly, but without sacrificing accuracy is essential to obtain a high score.

Predict Performance with
Social Context Reasoning Tests

Social context reasoning test questions

Candidates complete the social reasoning test under timed conditions. They have 11 minutes to determine up to 20 social situations. The assessment provides candidates with sets of images and asks them to rearrange them, so they form a logical and coherent story. Candidates should expect to spend approximately 30 seconds per question. The questions become more difficult as the test progresses.

Social context reasoning test answers

The social context reasoning test answers are presented in a report that the recruiter or manager receives directly from the online cloud platform in an email. The report contains an overall score, a percentage of all correct answers, the number of questions the candidate completed and the time spent answering. The breakdown of scores allows for valuable reporting on a candidate's speed vs their quality of answers. This analysis gives a powerful indicator of how the person will perform. Recruiters can also compare the score to a benchmark population to predict how the candidate may perform against other people in the norm group.

Next steps 

The mathematic logical test answers are presented in a report that the recruiter or manager receives directly from the online cloud platform in an email. Once you receive the results, we recommend that all candidates receive some feedback and a copy of their report. The tests can reveal strengths and weaknesses that the candidate may not be aware of and help improve their performance. Once the candidate is hired, the results can inform a development plan to help the candidate become even more effective in their role.

A Reasoning Assessment should only be used as part of an overall picture when hiring a new candidate. When used to complement a wider hiring strategy, reasoning tests can help recruiters make informed talent decisions. 

Discover our Range of Reasoning Assessments

Abstract Logical

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Understanding Logical Processes

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Mathematical Logical Reasoning

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